To begin with, expect the unexpected. All bankruptcies are different. Don’t Give the Company Any Money Back Likely your current/former employer owes you money. Even though this is true, they may try to convince you that you actually have to give past paid salary back to them. DON”T DO IT! Also, your company might not be your employer anymore. When a company goes into bankruptcy it is sometimes run by the former owners, sometimes it is place in the hands of a “Trustee” who is supposed to do what is in the best interest of the creditors of the company. When I say “company” I am using it to describe the owners of the company or the trustee.
Author: Aimee HaynesI motivate, I blog, I listen, I give advice, I help, I create, I work with others, I stand my ground when needed, and I am always open to new ideas. In addition to the qualities that define me most, I'm also a Corporate Law attorney working with entrepreneurs, creatives, and small businesses to help them achieve success. Archives
February 2017